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In this photo I see big beautiful hills, trees, and mountains. The clouds are floating right above the mountain and it is beautiful. I feel like Alfred Stieglitz captured this specific moment was to show the beauty of nature and to lighten the mood of the photo. The first thing that catches my eye when I look at this photo is the big mountains. I feel like the mood of this photo would change if it was in color because when a photo is in black and white it just seems average and plain, but when there is color it is very bright and fun looking. The mood that I feel when I look at this photo is happy because in my past I love going skiing on mountains and playing in the snow so this photo brings off a happy type feeling. I realize a lot about this photo now that I have looked at it because the higher up on the image you go the brighter  the picture is and it gives a happy mood but the closer down you get on the image it starts to get dark and creepy.  I selected this photo because I like going on mountains and I like the snow so it seemed like and interesting photo.

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